An OUTER JOIN starts a join with all rows of one of the tables.
Then, any matching records from the other table will be included.
Rows without a match will have NULL column values.
Possible OUTER JOIN styles are LEFT, RIGHT, or FULL.
The OUTER keyword is optional, but LEFT, RIGHT, or FULL are not.
List all products and their total sales, including those that did not sell.
SELECT ProductName, SUM(I.UnitPrice) AS Total
FROM Product P
LEFT OUTER JOIN OrderItem I ON P.Id = I.ProductId
GROUP BY ProductName
Stroopwafels are the only product that did not sell.
ProductName | Total |
Stroopwafels | NULL |
Chocolade | 71.40 |
Geitost | 74.50 |
Genen Shouyu | 86.80 |
Longlife Tofu | 114.00 |
Aniseed Syrup | 114.00 |
Louisiana Hot Spiced Okra | 122.00 |
SELECT column-names FROM table-name1 LEFT OUTER JOIN table-name2 ON column-name1 = column-name2 WHERE condition
SELECT column-names FROM table-name1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN table-name2 ON column-name1 = column-name2 WHERE condition
SELECT column-names FROM table-name1 FULL OUTER JOIN table-name2 ON column-name1 = column-name2 WHERE condition
The OUTER keyword is optional with any of the LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL JOINs.
Id |
OrderDate |
OrderNumber |
CustomerId |
TotalAmount |
Id |
FirstName |
LastName |
City |
Country |
Phone |
SELECT OrderNumber, TotalAmount, FirstName, LastName, City, Country
FROM Customer C
LEFT OUTER JOIN [Order] O ON O.CustomerId = C.Id
ORDER BY TotalAmount
Two customers did not place any orders.
OrderNumber | TotalAmount | FirstName | LastName | City | Country |
NULL | NULL | Diego | Roel | Madrid | Spain |
NULL | NULL | Marie | Bertrand | Paris | France |
542912 | 12.50 | Patricio | Simpson | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
542937 | 18.40 | Paolo | Accorti | Torino | Italy |
542897 | 28.00 | Pascale | Cartrain | Charleroi | Belgium |
542716 | 28.00 | Maurizio | Moroni | Reggio Emilia | Italy |
543028 | 30.00 | Yvonne | Moncada | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
543013 | 36.00 | Fran | Wilson | Portland | USA |
Id |
FirstName |
LastName |
City |
Country |
Phone |
Id |
OrderDate |
OrderNumber |
CustomerId |
TotalAmount |
SELECT FirstName, LastName, City, Country, TotalAmount
FROM [Order] O
RIGHT OUTER JOIN Customer C ON O.CustomerId = C.Id
This returns customers who, when joined, have no matching orders.
FirstName | LastName | City | Country | TotalAmount |
Diego | Roel | Madrid | Spain | NULL |
Marie | Bertrand | Paris | France | NULL |
Id |
CompanyName |
ContactName |
City |
Country |
Phone |
Fax |
Id |
FirstName |
LastName |
City |
Country |
Phone |
SELECT C.FirstName, C.LastName, C.Country AS CustomerCountry,
S.Country AS SupplierCountry, S.CompanyName
FROM Customer C
FULL OUTER JOIN Supplier S ON C.Country = S.Country
ORDER BY C.Country, S.Country
This returns all possible combinations of suppliers and customers. This includes suppliers without customers in their country, and customers without suppliers in their country, as well as customers and suppliers that are from the same country.
FirstName | LastName | CustomerCountry | SupplierCountry | CompanyName |
NULL | NULL | NULL | Australia | Pavlova, Ltd. |
NULL | NULL | NULL | Australia | G'day, Mate |
NULL | NULL | NULL | Japan | Tokyo Traders |
NULL | NULL | NULL | Japan | Mayumi's |
NULL | NULL | NULL | Netherlands | Zaanse Snoepfabriek |
NULL | NULL | NULL | Singapore | Leka Trading |
Patricio | Simpson | Argentina | NULL | NULL |
Yvonne | Moncada | Argentina | NULL | NULL |
Sergio | Gutiérrez | Argentina | NULL | NULL |
Georg | Pipps | Austria | NULL | NULL |
Roland | Mendel | Austria | NULL | NULL |
Pascale | Cartrain | Belgium | NULL | NULL |
Catherine | Dewey | Belgium | NULL | NULL |
Bernardo | Batista | Brazil | Brazil | Refrescos Americanas LTDA |
Lúcia | Carvalho | Brazil | Brazil | Refrescos Americanas LTDA |
Janete | Limeira | Brazil | Brazil | Refrescos Americanas LTDA |
Aria | Cruz | Brazil | Brazil | Refrescos Americanas LTDA |
André | Fonseca | Brazil | Brazil | Refrescos Americanas LTDA |
Mario | Pontes | Brazil | Brazil | Refrescos Americanas LTDA |
Pedro | Afonso | Brazil | Brazil | Refrescos Americanas LTDA |
Paula | Parente | Brazil | Brazil | Refrescos Americanas LTDA |
Anabela | Domingues | Brazil | Brazil | Refrescos Americanas LTDA |
Elizabeth | Lincoln | Canada | Canada | Ma Maison |
Elizabeth | Lincoln | Canada | Canada | Forêts d'érables |
Yoshi | Tannamuri | Canada | Canada | Ma Maison |
Yoshi | Tannamuri | Canada | Canada | Forêts d'érables |
Jean | Fresnière | Canada | Canada | Ma Maison |