SQL Editor

SQL Datalength Column Example


List the number of bytes for the FirstName column in the Customer table.
Click here for details on DATALENGTH.
 91 Records
FirstName Bytes
Paolo 10
Pedro 10
Maria 10
Miguel 12
Victoria 16
Bernardo 16
Helen 10
Christina 18
Jonas 10
Marie 10
Art 6
Elizabeth 18
Alejandra 18
Pascale 14
Lúcia 10
Francisco 18
Frédérique 20
Philip 12
Simon 10
Aria 8
Isabel 12
Ann 6
Catherine 18
Anabela 14
Guillermo 18
Alexander 18
André 10
Peter 10
Jean 8
Carlos 12
Sergio 12
David 10
Paul 8
Carlos 12
Michael 14
Palle 10
Felipe 12
Karl 8
Karin 10
Matti 10
Horst 10
Pirkko 12
Hari 8
Janine 12
Maria 10
Yoshi 10
Laurence 16
Janete 12
Elizabeth 18
Patricia 16
Roland 12
Renate 12
Yvonne 12
Hanna 10
Antonio 14
Maurizio 16
Rita 8
Helvetius 18
Liz 6
Sven 8
Paula 10
Jose 8
José 8
Manuel 12
Dominique 18
Jytte 10
Henriette 18
Rene 8
Zbyszek 14
Georg 10
Mario 10
Martine 14
Lino 8
Diego 10
Annette 14
Giovanni 16
Eduardo 14
Mary 8
Carine 12
Patricio 16
Howard 12
Martín 12
John 8
Yoshi 10
Daniel 12
Ana 6
Yang 8
Fran 8
Paula 10
Liu 6
Jaime 10
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