Explore the Analytics application and learn how to use the Gang-of-Four Design Patterns and more
in a real-world setting. Build solutions that are elegant, easy-to-develop, and easy-to-maintain.
This, and much more is available in the Standard edition of
Dofactory .NET for only $79.
Experience Ecommerce with a beautiful Art Shop solution. Learn how to apply Enterprise Design Patterns and Architectures
to create awesome applications.
This, and much more is available in the Standard Edition of Dofactory .NET for only $79.
Explore our 33-day CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution
with features like Accounts, Leads, Opportunities, Campaigns, Tasks, and more.
Use it as a reference to see what you can build in just 33 days or
as a no-cost sales solution in your own business.
This, and much more is available in the Pro Edition of Dofactory .NET for only $279.