C# Builder Design Pattern

The Builder design pattern separates the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations. 

C# code examples of the Builder design pattern is provided in 3 forms:

Frequency of use:
C# Design Patterns

UML class diagram

A visualization of the classes and objects participating in this pattern.


The classes and objects participating in this pattern include:

  • Builder  (VehicleBuilder)
    • specifies an abstract interface for creating parts of a Product object
  • ConcreteBuilder  (MotorCycleBuilder, CarBuilder, ScooterBuilder)
    • constructs and assembles parts of the product by implementing the Builder interface
    • defines and keeps track of the representation it creates
    • provides an interface for retrieving the product
  • Director  (Shop)
    • constructs an object using the Builder interface
  • Product  (Vehicle)
    • represents the complex object under construction. ConcreteBuilder builds the product's internal representation and defines the process by which it's assembled
    • includes classes that define the constituent parts, including interfaces for assembling the parts into the final result

Structural code in C#

This structural code demonstrates demonstrates the Builder pattern in which complex objects are created in a step-by-step fashion. The construction process can create different object representations and provides a high level of control over the assembly of the objects.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.Builder.Structural
    /// <summary>
    /// MainApp startup class for Structural
    /// Builder Design Pattern.
    /// </summary>

    public class MainApp
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point into console application.
        /// </summary>

        public static void Main()
            // Create director and builders

            Director director = new Director();

            Builder b1 = new ConcreteBuilder1();
            Builder b2 = new ConcreteBuilder2();

            // Construct two products

            Product p1 = b1.GetResult();

            Product p2 = b2.GetResult();

            // Wait for user


    /// <summary>
    /// The 'Director' class
    /// </summary>

    class Director
        // Builder uses a complex series of steps

        public void Construct(Builder builder)

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'Builder' abstract class
    /// </summary>

    abstract class Builder
        public abstract void BuildPartA();
        public abstract void BuildPartB();
        public abstract Product GetResult();

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'ConcreteBuilder1' class
    /// </summary>

    class ConcreteBuilder1 : Builder
        private Product _product = new Product();

        public override void BuildPartA()

        public override void BuildPartB()

        public override Product GetResult()
            return _product;

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'ConcreteBuilder2' class
    /// </summary>

    class ConcreteBuilder2 : Builder
        private Product _product = new Product();

        public override void BuildPartA()

        public override void BuildPartB()

        public override Product GetResult()
            return _product;

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'Product' class
    /// </summary>

    class Product
        private List<string> _parts = new List<string>();

        public void Add(string part)

        public void Show()
            Console.WriteLine("\nProduct Parts -------");
            foreach (string part in _parts)
Product Parts -------

Product Parts -------

Real-world code in C#

This real-world code demonstrates the Builder pattern in which different vehicles are assembled in a step-by-step fashion. The Shop uses VehicleBuilders to construct a variety of Vehicles in a series of sequential steps.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.Builder.RealWorld
    /// <summary>
    /// MainApp startup class for Real-World 
    /// Builder Design Pattern.
    /// </summary>

    public class MainApp
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point into console application.
        /// </summary>

        public static void Main()
            VehicleBuilder builder;

            // Create shop with vehicle builders

            Shop shop = new Shop();

            // Construct and display vehicles

            builder = new ScooterBuilder();

            builder = new CarBuilder();

            builder = new MotorCycleBuilder();

            // Wait for user


    /// <summary>
    /// The 'Director' class
    /// </summary>

    class Shop
        // Builder uses a complex series of steps

        public void Construct(VehicleBuilder vehicleBuilder)

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'Builder' abstract class
    /// </summary>

    abstract class VehicleBuilder
        protected Vehicle vehicle;

        // Gets vehicle instance

        public Vehicle Vehicle
            get { return vehicle; }

        // Abstract build methods

        public abstract void BuildFrame();
        public abstract void BuildEngine();
        public abstract void BuildWheels();
        public abstract void BuildDoors();

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'ConcreteBuilder1' class
    /// </summary>

    class MotorCycleBuilder : VehicleBuilder
        public MotorCycleBuilder()
            vehicle = new Vehicle("MotorCycle");

        public override void BuildFrame()
            vehicle["frame"] = "MotorCycle Frame";

        public override void BuildEngine()
            vehicle["engine"] = "500 cc";

        public override void BuildWheels()
            vehicle["wheels"] = "2";

        public override void BuildDoors()
            vehicle["doors"] = "0";

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'ConcreteBuilder2' class
    /// </summary>

    class CarBuilder : VehicleBuilder
        public CarBuilder()
            vehicle = new Vehicle("Car");

        public override void BuildFrame()
            vehicle["frame"] = "Car Frame";

        public override void BuildEngine()
            vehicle["engine"] = "2500 cc";

        public override void BuildWheels()
            vehicle["wheels"] = "4";

        public override void BuildDoors()
            vehicle["doors"] = "4";

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'ConcreteBuilder3' class
    /// </summary>

    class ScooterBuilder : VehicleBuilder
        public ScooterBuilder()
            vehicle = new Vehicle("Scooter");

        public override void BuildFrame()
            vehicle["frame"] = "Scooter Frame";

        public override void BuildEngine()
            vehicle["engine"] = "50 cc";

        public override void BuildWheels()
            vehicle["wheels"] = "2";

        public override void BuildDoors()
            vehicle["doors"] = "0";

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'Product' class
    /// </summary>

    class Vehicle
        private string _vehicleType;
        private Dictionary<string, string> _parts =
          new Dictionary<string, string>();

        // Constructor

        public Vehicle(string vehicleType)
            this._vehicleType = vehicleType;

        // Indexer

        public string this[string key]
            get { return _parts[key]; }
            set { _parts[key] = value; }

        public void Show()
            Console.WriteLine("Vehicle Type: {0}", _vehicleType);
            Console.WriteLine(" Frame : {0}", _parts["frame"]);
            Console.WriteLine(" Engine : {0}", _parts["engine"]);
            Console.WriteLine(" #Wheels: {0}", _parts["wheels"]);
            Console.WriteLine(" #Doors : {0}", _parts["doors"]);
Vehicle Type: Scooter
 Frame  : Scooter Frame
 Engine : none
 #Wheels: 2
 #Doors : 0

Vehicle Type: Car
 Frame  : Car Frame
 Engine : 2500 cc
 #Wheels: 4
 #Doors : 4

Vehicle Type: MotorCycle
 Frame  : MotorCycle Frame
 Engine : 500 cc
 #Wheels: 2
 #Doors : 0

.NET Optimized code in C#

The .NET optimized code demonstrates the same code as above but uses more modern C# and .NET features.

Here is an elegant C# Builder solution.

namespace Builder.NetOptimized;

using static System.Console;

/// <summary>
/// Builder Design Pattern
/// </summary>
public class Program
    public static void Main()
        // Create shop
        var shop = new Shop();

        // Construct and display vehicles
        shop.Construct(new ScooterBuilder());

        shop.Construct(new CarBuilder());

        shop.Construct(new MotorCycleBuilder());

        // Wait for user
/// <summary>
/// The 'Director' class
/// </summary>
public class Shop
    private VehicleBuilder? builder;

    // Builder uses a complex series of steps
    public void Construct(VehicleBuilder vehicleBuilder)
        builder = vehicleBuilder;


    public void ShowVehicle()

/// <summary>
/// The 'Builder' abstract class
/// </summary>
public abstract class VehicleBuilder(VehicleType vehicleType)
    public Vehicle Vehicle { get; private set; } = new Vehicle(vehicleType);

    public abstract void BuildFrame();
    public abstract void BuildEngine();
    public abstract void BuildWheels();
    public abstract void BuildDoors();

/// <summary>
/// The 'ConcreteBuilder1' class
/// </summary>
public class MotorCycleBuilder : VehicleBuilder
    // Invoke base class constructor
    public MotorCycleBuilder() : base(VehicleType.MotorCycle)

    public override void BuildFrame() => Vehicle[PartType.Frame] = "MotorCycle Frame";
    public override void BuildEngine() => Vehicle[PartType.Engine] = "500 cc";
    public override void BuildWheels() => Vehicle[PartType.Wheel] = "2";
    public override void BuildDoors() => Vehicle[PartType.Door] = "0";

/// <summary>
/// The 'ConcreteBuilder2' class
/// </summary>
public class CarBuilder : VehicleBuilder
    // Invoke base class constructor
    public CarBuilder() : base(VehicleType.Car)

    public override void BuildFrame() => Vehicle[PartType.Frame] = "Car Frame";
    public override void BuildEngine() => Vehicle[PartType.Engine] = "2500 cc";
    public override void BuildWheels() => Vehicle[PartType.Wheel] = "4";
    public override void BuildDoors() => Vehicle[PartType.Door] = "4";

/// <summary>
/// The 'ConcreteBuilder3' class
/// </summary>
public class ScooterBuilder : VehicleBuilder
    // Invoke base class constructor
    public ScooterBuilder() : base(VehicleType.Scooter)

    public override void BuildFrame() => Vehicle[PartType.Frame] = "Scooter Frame";
    public override void BuildEngine() => Vehicle[PartType.Engine] = "50 cc";
    public override void BuildWheels() => Vehicle[PartType.Wheel] = "2";
    public override void BuildDoors() => Vehicle[PartType.Door] = "0";

/// <summary>
/// The 'Product' class
/// </summary>
public class Vehicle(VehicleType vehicleType)
    private readonly Dictionary<PartType, string> parts = [];
    private readonly VehicleType vehicleType = vehicleType;

    public string this[PartType key]
        get => parts[key];
        set => parts[key] = value; 

    public void Show()
        WriteLine($"Vehicle Type: {vehicleType}");
        WriteLine($" Frame  : {this[PartType.Frame]}");
        WriteLine($" Engine : {this[PartType.Engine]}");
        WriteLine($" #Wheels: {this[PartType.Wheel]}");
        WriteLine($" #Doors : {this[PartType.Door]}");

/// <summary>
/// Part type enumeration
/// </summary>
public enum PartType

/// <summary>
/// Vehicle type enumeration
/// </summary>
public enum VehicleType

Vehicle Type: Scooter
 Frame  : Scooter Frame
 Engine : none
 #Wheels: 2
 #Doors : 0

Vehicle Type: Car
 Frame  : Car Frame
 Engine : 2500 cc
 #Wheels: 4
 #Doors : 4

Vehicle Type: MotorCycle
 Frame  : MotorCycle Frame
 Engine : 500 cc
 #Wheels: 2
 #Doors : 0

Last updated on Mar 17, 2024

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