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HTML Code Tag Group

The Code Tag Group is a group of tags that assist developers with sharing code with other developers.

Code group tags include <pre>, <code>, <--...-->, <output>, and others.

Sharing Code

Presenting code snippets in HTML is mostly done with <pre> and <code> tags.

To syntax highlight the code you'll need JavaScript -- exactly what we do on this site.

Code Tags

A list of code tags.

Element Description
<pre> Displays pre-formatted text in fixed-width font -- usually computer code
<code> An element that is used to display computer code
<samp> Displays sample output from a coumputer code
<output> Displays output results of a calculation
<var> Defines its content as a variable
<!--...--> Marks text as comments in the source code. Not visible to users

Note: HTML was developed by programmers, so they have given themselves a reasonable share of HTML features and tags.



A C# code example with tags from the code group.

Notice the use of the static void Main method in this C# program.
It's the entry point of the solution. Also notice that hello is a string variable.

Press F5 to start the program.

  using System; 

  namespace App 
    class HelloWorld 
      static void Main(string[] args) 
         var hello = "Hello World!";
Hello World!
<!-- Instructions to Hello World in C# -->

  Notice the use of the <code>static void Main</code> 
  method in this C# program.<br />It's the entry point 
  of the solution. Also notice that <var>hello</var> 
  is a string variable.<br /><br />
  Press <kbd>F5</kbd> to start the program.

<pre style="background:oldlace;">
  using System; 

  namespace App 
    class HelloWorld 
      static void Main(string[] args) 
         var hello = "Hello World!";


<output style="color:white;background:darkslategray;">
Hello World!

Code explanation

  • The <--...--> tag contains comments that are not visible to the user.
  • The <code> tag highlights inline code.
  • The <var> tag displays a variable.
  • The <kbd> tag displays a keyboard shortcut.
  • The <pre> tag displays pre-formatted code exactly as it was entered in HTML.
  • The <output> tag displays the output of the program.

Tip: This example does not syntax-highlight the C# program.
For this you will need a JavaScript color coding utility.

Did you know?

Did you know?

Coding on the Web

Developers have succeeded in creating sophisticated IDEs (Interactive Developer Environments) on the front-end.

They use a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The site is an example of what can be accomplished in this area.

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Last updated on Sep 30, 2023

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