Our HTML Reference Guide helps you find HTML answers quickly.
We cover all HTML elements and attributes -- with examples.
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HTML is a markup language that allows you to create web pages.
This language is made up of different HTML tags -- there are about 100 different tags.
An HTML tag can define a paragraph, an image, a table, a list, a dropdown, and much more.
Other tags define areas, such as, headers, articles, sections, and others.
HTML tags are the building blocks of web pages.
To write a tag you wrap a tag name with angle brackets, '<' and '>', for example <caption>
Here is the general syntax with an opening tag and a closing tag:
<tagname> ... </tagname>
Below are some examples.
For a complete list of tags see our HTML Tag List Reference
HTML tags often work together with other tags to create more complex UI features.
For example, creating a table requires at least 3 different tags: <table>, <tr>, and <td>.
We refer to these cooperating tags as Tag Groups.
Several tag groups can be identified.
Attributes add additional information to a tag by modifying the appearance or functionality of an element. Here is the general syntax with an attribute inside the opening tag:
<tagname attribute="value"> ... </tagname>
Where attribute is the name of the attribute, and value is the value of the attribute.
Below are some attribute examples.
For a complete list of attributes see our HTML Attributes Reference
Global attributes are attributes that can be applied to any HTML element.
Here are some examples.
For a complete list see our HTML Global Attributes Reference
Our Tag References include HTML Method and HTML Code lists for easy reference.
These include:
Tim Berners-Lee is the inventor of HTML and the Web. This started in 1989.
Initially HTML was designed as a way to format scientific documents and reports.
Later it was enhanced with data entry options, such as input controls.
For application design, HTML is still rather basic, but it is the only standard we have.