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HTML <ol> reversed Attribute

The reversed attribute on a <ol> tag reverses the numbering in the ordered list.

The items themselves are not reversed, only the numbering.



A reversed attribute on a <ol> element.
The item numbers appear in reverse order.

  1. Amsterdam
  2. Berlin
  3. London
  4. Paris
<ol reversed>

Using reversed

The reversed attribute reverses the numbering to descending order.

This attribute does not reverse the order of the list items.

This attribute works for all numbering systems: numeric, alphabetic, and roman numerals.


<ol reversed>

Browser support

Here is when reversed support started for each browser:

18.0 Mar 2012
18.0 Jan 2013
79.0 Jan 2020
12.1 Nov 2012
6.0 Jul 2012

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Last updated on Sep 30, 2023

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