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HTTP Media Types

HTTP Media Types is a standard that specifies the nature and format of a file.

Browsers rely on media types, rather than file extensions, to know how to handle a file.

Media types are formerly known as MIME types.



Two <source> elements with type attributes which specify the media types.
Media types for the video files are: video/mp4 and video/ogg.

<video width="320" height="240" controls>
  <source type="video/mp4" src="/media/movie.mp4">
  <source type="video/ogg" src="/media/movie.ogg">

Using media types

A media type indicates the format and nature of a document.

Browsers don't look at a link's file extension, but rather what media type it is.

The IANA organization maintains a list of all official media types.

Below are lists of commonly used media types.

Note: Media types are formely know as MIME types.

Commonly used media types

Media types are specified as type and subtype with a slash (/) between them, like so:


There are nine major top-level types:

Type Description
application Binary data that require an application
audio Audio and music files
font Font and typeface files
image Graphical data formats
message Email and messaging formats
model Model data to create 2d or 3d scenes
multipart Data with multiple media types
text Readable text files
video Video and movie files

Next are commonly used media types organized by type.



Media type Description
application/atom+xml Atom feed format
application/octet-stream Any kind of binary file
application/ Amazon Kindle book format
application/octet-stream Any type of binary file
application/epub+zip Epub book format
application/zip Zip archive format
application/pdf Pdf file format
application/json Json format
application/java-archive Jar format
application/msword Microsoft Word
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document Microsoft Word (OpenXML)
application/pdf Pdf file format
application/pdf Pdf file format
application/pdf Pdf file format
application/pdf Pdf file format
application/pdf Pdf file format
application/pdf Pdf file format
application/pdf Pdf file format
application/pdf Pdf file format
application/pdf Pdf file format
application/pdf Pdf file format
application/pdf Pdf file format
application/pdf Pdf file format
application/pdf Pdf file format



Media type Description
audio/mpeg Mp3 audio format
audio/ogg Ogg audio format
audio/wav Waveform audio format



Media type Description
font/pdf Font
font/pdf Font
font/pdf Font
font/pdf Font
font/pdf Font
font/pdf Font
font/pdf Font
font/pdf Font
font/pdf Font
font/pdf Font
font/pdf Font
font/pdf Font



Media type Description
image/jpeg Jpeg image
image/png Portable Network Graphics image
image/avif Aliance for Open Media image
image/webp Webp image
image/svg+xml Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
image/tiff Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)
image/gif Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
image/bmp Windows OS/2 Bitmap Graphics



Media type Description
message/http Http message
message/partial Email message
message/rfc822 Email subtype with encapsulated message
message/imdn+xml: Imdn message
message/pdf Message
message/pdf Message
message/pdf Message
message/pdf Message
message/pdf Message
message/pdf Message



Media type Description
model/pdf Model
model/pdf Model
model/pdf Model
model/pdf Model
model/pdf Model
model/pdf Model
model/pdf Model
model/pdf Model
model/pdf Model



Media type Description
multipart/pdf Multipart
multipart/pdf Multipart
multipart/pdf Multipart
multipart/pdf Multipart
multipart/pdf Multipart
multipart/pdf Multipart
multipart/pdf Multipart
multipart/pdf Multipart
multipart/pdf Multipart
multipart/pdf Multipart



Media type Description
text/plain Plain text: ASCII or ISO 8859
text/html HTML format
text/css CSS format
text/javascript JavaScript
text/csv Comma separated values (CSV)
text/pdf Text
text/pdf Text
text/pdf Text
text/pdf Text
text/pdf Text
text/pdf Text
text/pdf Text



Media type Description
video/mp4 Mp4 format
video/mpeg Mp3 or other Mpeg format
video/ogg A variety of formats inside an Ogg container

Default media types

Browsers assign a default media type if no type is specified. This process of guessing the right media type is referred to as MIME sniffing. The defaults are:

  • text/plain - for text files (i.e. human readable files), or
  • application/octet-stream - for binary files and files of unknown type

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Last updated on Sep 30, 2023

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