An id on a <map> tag assigns an identifier to the image map.
The identifier must be unique across the page.
An id attribute on a <map> element.
<img src="/img/html/computer-map.png" alt="Computer" usemap="#computermap">
<map id="computer-map" name="computermap">
<area shape="rect" coords="253,142,16,2" alt="Computer" href="javascript:alert('Computer screen was clicked');">
<area shape="rect" coords="262,218,0,156" alt="Keyboard" href="javascript:alert('Computer keyboard was clicked');">
<area shape="circle" coords="267,234,22" alt="Mouse" href="javascript:alert('Computer mouse was clicked');">
The id attribute assigns an identifier to the <map> element.
The id allows JavaScript to easily access the <map> element.
It is also used to point to a specific id selector in a style sheet.
Tip: id is a global attribute that can be applied to any HTML element.
<map id="identifier" />
Value | Description |
identifier | A unique alphanumeric string. The id value must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens (-), underscores (_), colons (:), and periods (.). |
A <map> tag with a unique id.
Clicking the button displays the name of the map.
<img src="/img/html/computer-map.png" alt="Computer" usemap="#computermap">
<map id="mymap" name="computermap">
<area shape="rect" coords="253,142,16,2" alt="Computer" href="javascript:alert('Computer screen was clicked');">
<area shape="rect" coords="262,218,0,156" alt="Keyboard" href="javascript:alert('Computer keyboard was clicked');">
<area shape="circle" coords="267,234,22" alt="Mouse" href="javascript:alert('Computer mouse was clicked');">
<br />
<button onclick="show();">Show map name</button>
let show = () => {
let element = document.getElementById("mymap");
alert("Name = " +;
The id attribute assigns a unique identifier for the <map> element.
Clicking the button calls JavaScript which locates the <map> using the id.
Finally, the name of the <map> is displayed in an alert box.
Here is when id support started for each browser:
1.0 | Sep 2008 |
1.0 | Sep 2002 |
1.0 | Aug 1995 |
1.0 | Jan 2006 |
1.0 | Jan 2003 |
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