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Consuming REST web service within SPARK generated web application.I need to make a web application which will consume an external REST web service.
This web service responses are in XML format, from which the data has to be displayed in the web froms of the application. I currently consider to use the Pro Design Pattern Framework (DPF) with the Spark code generator. From the Art Shop reference application that comes with the DPF I've learned to consume REST web services. However as the application I'm suppose to build is not using any database, I wonder if it is a good idea to use Spark, because as I understand the data model is the foundation of this code generator. But obviously I don't have a data model. Can anyone advice me on this because I still would like to use Spark for this endeavor. I hope this doesn't look like I'm talking nonsense here. But maybe I am, then please let me know as well. Anyway I need some directives in this. Regards, Ronald Brink R Brink, Mar 15, 2016