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Using Task and Async in Controllers

Has anyone tried using Task and Async with Spark? See example below
 public async Task<ActionResult> AddPhoneNumber(AddPhoneNumberViewModel model)        {            if (!ModelState.IsValid)            {                return View(model);            }            // Generate the token and send it            var code = await UserManager.GenerateChangePhoneNumberTokenAsync(User.Identity.GetUserId(), model.Number);            if (UserManager.SmsService != null)            {                var message = new IdentityMessage                {                    Destination = model.Number,                    Body = "Your security code is: " + code                };                await UserManager.SmsService.SendAsync(message);            }            return RedirectToAction("VerifyPhoneNumber", new { PhoneNumber = model.Number });        }

Theophilus Medeiros, Oct 14, 2015
Reply 1
Just a heads up. The next release of SPARK fully supports Async method calls.

Hope this helps.
Jack Poorte, Nov 04, 2015
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