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Replies:  2

'ConfigurationManager not declared' message

I amgetting and error (or more accurately three errors, as there are three instances of the same error) on the following line:


Two of the errors occur in the Data Layer and the other in the Service Layer. I've given the code below. Have I failed add a reference to something or not imported the correct namespace?

Thanks for any help.

MAI Joomun, Apr 02, 2014
Reply 1
Yes, for some reason the references to 'System.Configuration' were missing in both the Data and Service Layers. Not sure why as I didn't remove references to them.

MAI Joomun, Apr 02, 2014
Reply 2
Your message is missing a line. Unfortunately we cannot see what the issue is.  
However,  the message seems to indicate an assembly reference is missing. 

The .NET Design Pattern Framework will run without any changes, so if you changed anything, please also include these. 

Jack Poorte, Apr 02, 2014
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