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.NET pattern framework sample applications : database read-only error

When running the sample applications, I do get the following error when trying to login : Failed to update database Action1 because the database is read-only. Have I missed something when installing the product?
Regards, Ronald Brink
R Brink, Mar 19, 2014
Reply 1
Hi Jack,
I'm running Design Patterns 4.5. Currently I have made a workaround by defining the tables within a SQL database.
However I'm still curious what causes the problem on .mdf files which I'm encountering on all samples (also on Spark).
Regards, Ronald Brink
R Brink, Mar 24, 2014
Reply 2
Hello Ronald: 

Sorry, I am not sure what this is. I have not seen this error message before. 
Which version of the Design Pattern Framework are you running?

Jack Poorte, Mar 24, 2014
Differences: Architecture is strategic, while Design is tactical. Design Patterns are well known patterns for solving technical problems in a way that has proven itself many times. However architecture patterns are well known patterns for solving software application architecture problems. Architecture comprises the frameworks, tools, programming paradigms, component-based software engineering standards, design principles. Similarities: Both architectural and design pattern seems to implement set of frameworks and techniques to enforce code reusability and solve common known software problem.
Feb 15, 2015
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