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.Net Design Pattern 4.5 (vb)After downloading the 4.5 pattern framework (VB) zip file, the documentation suggests I should see the following in the folder where I unzipped the content:
\Gang of Four\ documented in ‘Gang of Four Design Patterns 4.5.pdf’ \Head First\ documented in ‘Head First Design Patterns 4.5.pdf’ \Patterns In Action\ documented in ‘Patterns in Action 4.5.pdf’ \Spark\ documented in ‘Spark 4.5.pdf’ \Plan\ documented in ‘Spark 4.5.pdf’ \Visio UML Diagrams\ no separate document Instead all I see are a whole bunch of files. There are no sub-folders. I've attached a screen shot. Can you help please? TIA. MAI Joomun, Feb 06, 2014
Reply 1Hello:
We have not seen this before. I suspect there is an issue with your particular Zip/Unzip utility. Please try using the built-in Windows zip (it's called compress/uncompress). Here is link that shows how to use it. Hope this helps. Jack Jack Poorte, Feb 06, 2014