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Is the Factory Pattern correct for my message system?


Just started to read the amazing books in the Design Pattern Framework 4.5. However, I am a bit confused.

Say I have a messaging system which can send each message using different channel.
Is it a mistake to define Factory class -> Create function based on Enum which due to value return the right channel?
Since the creation is dynamic at run-time as I understand a Factory pattern doesn't match here...

Any suggestions?

Here is some code: 
public class Channel
  public abstract void SendMessage();

public class EmailChannel : Channel
   public void SendMessage()


public class SmsChannel : Channel
   public void SendMessage()


public class MessageSenderfactory
    public static Channel CreateChannel(ChannelType ct)
         case Sms: 
            return new ChannelSms();
         case Email:
            return new EmailChannel();

public Enum ChannelType
  Sms = 1,

Amit Malina, Sep 13, 2013
Reply 1
Hello Amit: 

This seems like a fine implementation of the Factory Method design pattern.
It allows each message channel to implement its own SendMessage implementation.
Furthermore, you can easily add a third message channel with little effort. 

Hope this helps.

Jack Poorte, Sep 13, 2013
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