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Using Security-Guard Membership Management in Spark 4.5


Is it possible to install and Security-Guard in Spark 4.5 as the Membership tool?
I need to manage roles. 

Thank you
Vito Iacono, Sep 05, 2013
Reply 1
Not out of the box, since SecurityGuard uses the System.Web.Providers assembly and Spark uses the newer WebMatrix.WebData assembly which includes the Identity framework.  It's not impossible to make it work, but you will need to change the way the application authenticates users. 

I've been attempting to make the move, but after many attempts I'm finding out that the newer authentication mechanism of WebMatrix.WebData is a complete departure from the previous ASP.NET Membership pattern, and it wasn't that easy to make the move to that pattern, and since Identity has moved in, I didn't feel it worth the effort since many seem to be embracing Identiy and OWIN. 

Identity and OWIN make it easier to integrate the Social Media tools into your application such as Facebook, Google+, Microsoft, etc.  SecurityGuard was intended, and still is, to be used with applications that are more suited to user and role based authentication, than social networking authentication.

Bottom line - Should I use SecurityGuard for my application?
  • Yes - if you have an application that will manage registered members for your MVC application, SecurityGuard is built for that. 
  • No - if you have an application that is more of a social-based site.

SecurityGuard is intended more for a business-minded application than a socially-minded one.

SecurityGuard is probably not going to be built for OWIN unless I can really see a need, because OWIN and the like, are simply authenticating on validated tokens from other sources, such as Facebook, and not also storing user profile information with roles.  So I don't see a need at the moment to make an OWIN version.

I hope this makes sense, and sorry for the late reply.

King Wilder
King Wilder, Sep 21, 2014
Reply 2
Here is an update.  
It is is not possible to use Security-Guard, but an alternative is SimpleMembership Administration

Vito Iacono, Sep 09, 2013
Reply 3
Our Spark platform uses Microsoft's SimpleMembership system which is new in .NET 4.5.  It is a light-weight replacement of the classic Microsoft Membership system. By the way, SimpleMembership does support Roles, so you should be good to go. 

In case you want to use Security Guard, we are not familiar with it. However, I did notice that it seems to be based on the classic Microsoft Membership and was created by King Wilder. He's an active member in this .NET patterns community. Perhaps he can highlight some of the differences between SimpleMembership and Security Guard?  King?

Jack Poorte
Jack Poorte, Sep 05, 2013
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