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Returning a NULL object reference error when loading the web applicationHi,
I'm returning a null object reference when running the inital page. The error occurs in the SavePageState method calling LoadProviders(); the _provider = _providers[section.DefaultProvider]; is returning a null value I noticed that my section.providers returns a count of 0 from below. The error occurs at _provider.SavePageState(name,viewstate); (actually error NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code. I see a first and second in the viewstate object the first is Null. Please note I'm not using the WCF since it was not necessary. Regards, var section = (ViewStateProviderServiceSection) WebConfigurationManager.GetSection("myviewstateSection/viewstateService"); // Load all registered providers _providers = new ViewStateProviderCollection(); ProvidersHelper.InstantiateProviders (section.Providers, _providers, typeof(ViewStateProviderBase)); // Set _provider to the default provider _provider = _providers[section.DefaultProvider]; Joe Contreras, Jul 16, 2013
Hi guy!
I got an error when I create a new project and using some class in Code folders.
HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error
The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid. This error showed when I used code below
How to do to pass this error?
Dec 09, 2014