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What pattern(s) to use for this system ? HRIS/Payroll system


I am currently working on a Human Resource Information System(HRIS)/Payroll system. Our professor only require us to use Strategy, Decorator and Observer patterns. Any ideas what pattern to be use, how can i implement that specific pattern in my system and can someone give me overview of that pattern .. I read one article that i can use decorator pattern in Request for leave of employees. can someone help me.

Thank you in advance! GB!
mj emaznol, Feb 26, 2013
Reply 1
You can use the patterns as described by the professor but I'd probably also incorporate the Strategy pattern as well. I can give you some definitions of the patterns or try to simplify them but this could be a long answer to explain where and how to implement all the patterns. I know I wasn't much help but if you have specific questions maybe I can help.

Dennis Tucker, Mar 08, 2013
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