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Social Networking


We are in a process of developing Social Networking site using Microsoft platforms. Please suggest the best combination of technologies to use like JQuery Ajax with WCF etc..

Thanks in advance,

Sudhir Golthi, Aug 06, 2012
Reply 1
This seems to be a very broad question.  The technology stack that comes to my mind is  (there could be various combinations)
- Web API
- jQuery
- Backbonejs or knockoutjs
- Entity framework 4.3 (this works well, contrary to popular misconceptions about performance issues)
- Any client side view template like jsrender, mustache etc.
- NUnit/mbunit with Rhino Mock or Moq for unit testing
- Any well known caching product/library like redis etc.
-  Selenium/watin for automation testing
-  Any javascript based vector library like paperjs, raphaeljs etc.

Hope this helps.
Rajesh Pillai, Aug 08, 2012
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