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I need help with building an Event Aggregator

I have a situation where we have a legacy app that is several million lines of code.  It was written many years ago and did not follow any design principles at all and is a lot of pretty bad code.  We have taken a design centered approach to adding any new functionality to this app but we have ran into an issue. 

The winforms in the legacy code needs to open forms from the new and vice versa. This is causing circular reference issues of course, and I thought an Event Aggregator would work in this situation but I am not clear on how to implement it. 

I know its going to have to use the Observer but how I keep the solutions from referencing each other is still unclear to me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I have looked at Martin Fowlers explanation of the Event Aggregator and that helped but it was too vague to completely solve my issue.

Derick Mayberry, Jul 26, 2012
Reply 1
You can use Event aggregator Which comes with PRISM.Here is a link which you can refer to get it implemented.
Libish Jacob, Sep 17, 2012
Reply 2
I'm also using an Event Aggregator in my WPF app (mvvm) and I'm using the mediator pattern.
I think you want some screens to subscribe to some events and other screens or code to publish those events.

Wesley Walraeve, Aug 08, 2012
Reply 3
Sounds like you're going to need to employ MDI.

Michael Lopez, Aug 04, 2012
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