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Replies: 3
Where can I find MVC / MVP implementation samplesHello dofactory,
I'm looking for a well documented implementation of MVC or MVP for Windows Forms. Will any of your products help me? Thank you. Fábio Fabio Lima, Mar 04, 2012
Reply 1Maybe not an answer on your question. But try to look at WPF and MVVM if you want testable UI.
I think WPF can do the same as WinForms but the databinding is better implemented (in WPF) so you can divide the View better from the Model and logic. Just keep in mind that the drawing of the screen (by the runtime) is different. WPF is vector based system and winforms not. Wesley Walraeve, Aug 08, 2012
Reply 2I have written a blog post on this very topic.
Please have a look here: Pradip Shrestha, Jun 14, 2012
Reply 3Hello Fabio,
developing a WinForms application with the MVC-pattern in mind is not that simple. Mainly because WinForms relies heavily on its CodeBehinde-files. However, there had been a project in Codeplex, where someone tried to make a sample WinForms MVC application. Unfortunatelly, the project hasn't got updated since 2009. The link to the Codeplex-project is . Regards Florian Florian Schaeffler, Apr 03, 2012