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Replies:  3

Tool for automatically updating Business Objects, DTOs, and related classes?

Every time I add a new column to the application's database, I have to do manual work in updating the business class, DTO and all the related methods.  I was wondering if anyone created a tool or template which automates this process?
Abdu Bukres, May 25, 2011
Reply 1
Yes, I've built a code generator that is based on the Patterns In Action.  Send me your email address and I'll send you the my code generator I call Condor.  It's a MyGeneration Software template, so that's all you have to install.  It's free software found at

I also have videos on how to use it.
King Wilder, Sep 08, 2011
Reply 2 this should work.
Kevon Hayes, Aug 21, 2011
Reply 3

This is an interesting question.  We have written our own code generator (using CodeSmith).  Whenever a table changes we run the generator (against the given table) and update the Business Object, Data Access Code, DTO, Test Code, and Service Layer.

I should mention that getting the whole code generation in place requires a fair amount of planning, preparation, and experience, but once in place it is like magic: data model changes are no sweat  and all your code is updated automatically.

As an alternative you could also look into T4 code generation which is built-in into Visual Studio.
Best of luck.
Trey Henlon, Jun 07, 2011
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