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Good WCF 4.0 Training?Does anyone know of a good WCF 4.0 Training class?
Thanks & Regards Allan F. Gagnon Allan Gagnon, May 19, 2011
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Thank you for your responses I am trying to develop a WCF Application that will allow me to have a User Interface Windows Service that is connected to a Serial Port. I need to be able to encapsulate my Radio Telemetry from a serial port network in a TCPIP transfer. Ultimately I need to transfer just a byte array which seems easy with WCF however I need to develop a trouble shooting UI. That will give me the ability to trouble shoot my serial information issues. Thanks & Regards Allan F. Gagnon Allan Gagnon, Jun 26, 2011
Reply 2For 4.0 WCF try these:
Free: Pay for: Below is not specifically 4.0 training but for those who are looking to get started or increase their knowledge the items below will do so perfectly. For free WCF training there are brilliant webcasts done by Michelle Bustamante (this lady knows her stuff). Her series of 15 webcasts are definitely worth covering, she puts things across well with good examples. There is also an online training outfit called LearnDevNow, these guys provide training for a huge number of subjects, they really have a vast library of .Net training amongst others including WCF for next to nothing. Their homepage is located at and what they cover for WCF is located at You can get more online training from these guys than what you would have time for and it currently costs $99. Their material is more than enough to provide you with an excellent foundation to get you going. I would imagine that WCF 4.0 will be out later this year and you automatically get and new courseware from them when you purchase there library. The above will definitely get anyone who wants to progress in WCF going. Good luck Ricky Ricky Owen, May 25, 2011
Reply 3It might sound silly, but I recommend Microsoft's official WCF 4 course: Usually I don't like MS courses, but in this case I wrote the course for Microsoft, so i'm familiar with its content. If you're checking it for a group of people, you can contact me and I'll give you more information (idof at Ido Flatow, May 24, 2011
Reply 4I personally recommend Pluralsight's online training. They have wide variety of topics, including WCF covering 4.0. Check it out at
Siva M, May 22, 2011
The WPF example for an interface makes the most sense to me. It seems to me though if you have different flavors of the same *type*, you'd want to use inheritance for different types that share common traits with the base type. e.g. savingsAccount : Account. This way, you maximize code re-use for common functions like CreateAccount(), DeleteAccount() etc.
Feb 01, 2011