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Design Pattern Framework product for VS 2005 / .NET 2.0?


Unfortunately the company I work for is still using VS 2005 on .NET 2.0...

Does the Design Pattern Framework exists for .NET 2.0?  If so, how do I evaluate it or buy it?

Thnx in advance 4 your help,
Francesco Crescimanno, May 05, 2011
Reply 1
Hello Francesco:

Your Design Pattern Framework 4.0 purchase includes older versions of the Framework as well.  These include versions for .NET 3.5, .NET 2.0, and .NET 1.1.

Of course, the more recent versions are 'richer' and have more functionality, simpley because .NET is richer.  But the fundamentals of what Design Patterns are and how they are used has not changed -- in fact, Design Patterns already existed before .NET.

I hope this helps.
Dan McMillan, May 05, 2011
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