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Which pattern should I use to create an XML Request?


I have a question for the community.
I need to generate the following XML (see below) to issue a request.
Which pattern should I use to create this Xml request, without using Composite Pattern?


I know I could create a Customer class containing a Person and an Address class and then serialize it to XML.
However, how can I create this XML using a pattern?  And which pattern should I use?

Volkan Genç, May 02, 2011
Reply 1
Iterator can be applicable here.

Kaushal Patel, May 07, 2011
I'm using the Pattern in Action 4.0 solution and using Entity Framework. I am questioning the way the app implements sorting using dynamic strings. If your entity object field has a different name to the business object field e.g EmployerEntity.LastName Employer.Surname. The app uses Mapper.CS in Data Layer to convert correctly entity.LastName to Surname. But if you sort on UI using &quot;Surname ASC&quot; it will fail; it will work if UI uses &quot;LastName ASC&quot; , so the UI needs an understanding of the Entity/db.
Jan 14, 2011
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