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Excel export and special character handling


When I export data from our Oracle database to an Excel spreadsheet, the special characters will display differently.

Suppose the text is: "Handlungsfeld hinzufüge"
It display as: "Handlungsfeld hinzufügen"

I tried Server.HtmlEncode, Server.HtmlDecode, but to no avail.

Can someone please provide an answer?

Sudhakar Sabbi, Apr 12, 2011
Reply 1
Hi Sudhakar,

Are you sure you set the right Code Page (character set) for encoding in the Page/Web.config?

I use encoding ="1252" instead of UTF-8, as I need to show some data coded for German and Latinamerican language.

Remember to use always the same encoding, as an special character (outside de 255 normal characters), may be represented differently with a different encoding.

Best regards,

PS: See more info on Code Page in:
Diego Barnech, May 11, 2011
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