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Replies:  3

jQuery serializing an ASP.NET form to JSON?

Is there an easy way to serialize a form to JSON?   I know I can do it relatively easy with ASP.NET AJAX, but we have decided to standardize on jQuery, so we will not have to introduce another Javascript library.

To go against what I just said before (about not introducing a new library) does anyone have experiences with json2.js? This library is available from douglas crockford

Bogusław Dobrogost, Apr 12, 2011
Reply 1
You can use: jquery.serializeToJSON -
Its is prepared to work with forms ASP MVC

Raphael Nunes, Sep 01, 2015
Reply 2
There is also this solution which is widely used.
King Wilder, Apr 24, 2011
Reply 3
A couple of good discussions here..

I have tried json2.js on a pet project and its great for doing this kind of thing.
Rajesh Pillai, Apr 16, 2011
Thanks, this way works well.
Dec 27, 2010
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