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Please review my Factory Pattern implementationHi I am starting a school project for which decided to go by an Interface pattern.
Please review the code and let me will it work out for future implementation example adding WCF project. Thank you! class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { StudentView view = new StudentView(); view.ShowStudent(); } } //Student UI public class StudentView { IAcademic _academic = new Academic(); IParents _parents = new Parents(); IService _service = new BusinessFactory("Student"); IStudent _student; public StudentView() { _student = (IStudent)_service.GetService(); _academic.Year = "2010"; _parents.MotherName = "Test"; _student.StudentName = "Imran"; _student.Academic = _academic; _student.Parents = _parents; } public void ShowStudent() { _student.ShowStudent(); } } //Academic Details Interface public interface IAcademic { string Year { get; set; } } //Parent Details Interface public interface IParents { string MotherName { get; set; } } //Student Detials Interface public interface IStudent { IAcademic Academic { get; set; } IParents Parents { get; set; } string StudentName { get; set; } void ShowStudent(); } //Common Service public interface IService { IService GetService(); } //Object Factory public class BusinessFactory : IService { string _name = string.Empty; public BusinessFactory(string name) { _name = name; } #region IService Members public IService GetService() { switch (_name) { case "Student": return new StudentManager().GetService(); break; default: return null; } } #endregion } //Academic UserControl public class Academic : IAcademic { string _year; #region IAcademic Members public string Year { get { return _year; } set { _year = value; } } #endregion } //Parent UserControl public class Parents : IParents { string _motherName; #region IParents Members public string MotherName { get { return _motherName; } set { _motherName = value; } } #endregion } //Student Manager(BL) public class StudentManager : IStudent, IService { IAcademic _iacademic; IParents _iparents; string _studentName; #region IStudent Members public IAcademic Academic { get { return _iacademic; } set { _iacademic = value; } } public IParents Parents { get { return _iparents; } set { _iparents = value; } } public string StudentName { get { return _studentName; } set { _studentName = value; } } #endregion #region IStudent Members public void ShowStudent() { Console.WriteLine("Name:{0}\nMother Name:{1}\nYear:{2}", _studentName, _iparents.MotherName, _iacademic.Year); Console.ReadLine(); } #endregion #region IService Members public IService GetService() { return this; } #endregion } Imran Khan, Apr 06, 2011