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Replies: 1
'Code First' approach with Entity FrameworkI am relatively new to the Entity Framework. We are considering a 'Code First' (versus Model First) approach in building our application. Does anyone have some real world experience in using that with ASP.NET MVC 3? I also like to know how to get started with this: Are there any suggested references / sites / links / blogs?
Thanks. Henry Wong, Mar 09, 2011
Reply 1Soctt Gu has a blog post on this with MVC 3. Read it here.. Here's another video.. Hope you find this useful, especially the first link. Rajesh Pillai, Mar 09, 2011
I created the aspnetdb (just restored the aspnetdb that came with dofactory package) and the Action DB on my Sql Server 2008 instance instead of express. I have included the web.config below. I ran profiler and the username and password are debbie and secret123 and I am not using a custom membership provider. Check original post to view the web.config
Oct 25, 2010