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Practical use of the "dynamic" C# keyword in Design PatternsThe dynamic keyword is a recent addition to the C# language. I have a gut feel that one or more of the GOF and/or MVC/MVP/MVVM patterns could benefit from its use.
Has anyone found a great use of dynamic in any of their own Design Pattern implementations? (I am looking for this nice little 'gem' :-) ) Thanks. Craig Johnston, Dec 14, 2010
Reply 1I haven't used it yet, but came across this implementation of "VISITOR" design pattern using "dynamic" in c#. In fact, this is one of the cool language features that may have many applications which may not have been explored yet because of the static nature of c#. But dynamic will change that. Once caveat would be dynamic has a cost and its proper usage should always be evaluated. Hope you find this useful. Rajesh Pillai, Jan 06, 2011
Reply 2Not for a pattern but here's a usage for the dynamic keyword
Robert Blixt, Dec 15, 2010