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Best book for Design Patterns in .NET?

Can anyone suggest to me a good book in which I can refer to Design Patterns in .NET?
Imran Khan, Jul 13, 2010
Reply 1
I have learned about design patterns etc. from this book:Flexible, Reliable Software: Using Patterns and Agile Development. The book was an eye opener for me. Highly recommended.
I have read the Gang of Four book years before but found it a bit confusing.
Elund Christensen, Jul 18, 2010
Reply 2
Also, try C# 3.0 Design Patterns to understand about various patterns used by the .net framework.

Rajesh Pillai
Rajesh Pillai, Jul 16, 2010
Reply 3
There are multiple books on design patterns, it basically depends on what you're looking for.
Head First's book below is one that I found was an easy read and a great introduction to the patterns as well
as Design Patterns Explained. Design Patterns (GOF) book is one of the first, and most well-received
books on Design Patterns.

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design (2nd Edition)

Head First Design Patterns

Robert Blixt, Jul 13, 2010
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