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Which Design Patterns are you using most frequently in your projects?

To all: I would be curious to know which design patterns you end up using the most in your own work.

Personally, my answer would go something like this:
  1. Layers  (all my projects are layered)
  2. MVC (I just love the new ASP.NET MVC)
  3. Factory (great useful pattern for creating families of objects)
  4. Active Record (we use this as our business object and data access pattern)
  5. Singleton (every app has use for several singletons)
I would love to hear any other experiences.
Leo Benson, Apr 14, 2010
Reply 1
Observer Pattern
Iterator Pattern
Decorator Pattern
Adapter Pattern
Factory Pattern
Strategy Pattern
Composite Pattern in ASP.NET
Template Method Pattern
Intercepting Filter Pattern
Page Controller Pattern

If you are a dotnet developer, then this link will help you to know which are the patterns used in dotnet framwork.
Bhupendra Sinha, May 21, 2010
Reply 2

In most of my applications, I have used following Design Patterns:

1. MVC passive Model with ASP.NET in front end
2. MVP Passive Model with ASP.NET in front end
3. Proxy Pattern (every one knows where we use this :) )
4. Facade (Service Patterns)
5. Observer (Error logging, Table dependancy or File Dependancy)
6. Strategy (Hashing algorithms and Email formats)
7. Abstract Factory
8. Command (Master Page with custom base class)
9. Template (Master Pages)

Chinna Srihari
Srihari Chinna, Apr 27, 2010
Reply 3
1. n-tier architecture
2. Singleton
3. Factory
4. Adapter
5. Iterator (LINQ)
Sreenivas Manyam Rajaram, Apr 20, 2010
Reply 4
My list is somewhat similar:

  1. Layers (n-Tier architecture)
  2. Facade (Service Layer)
  3. Iterator (LINQ really)
  4. Singleton
  5. Factory
  6. Proxy
  8. MVVM (Silverlight)

Juan Perez, Apr 19, 2010
Even better! I was not aware of the Aggregate LINQ extension method. Extra points for you.
Mar 23, 2010
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